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Boston Scores

Raise money for Boston Scores

Boston Scores is the largest school-based afterschool provider for the Boston Public School System. We provide urban youth with team-based soccer & enrichment programs that promote students' health & well-being, academic engagement, and civic leadership.    


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 02 Elizabeth Kelly Undisclosed amount
May 27 Mark Sheehan LFG! $55.35
May 26 Amy B Good luck Kat! $55.35
May 26 Anonymous Gettttt it Undisclosed amount
May 26 Lauren Carlson $28.10
May 18 Glasshoppers Let’s get the fish! $109.85
May 16 Rachel Keyo Good Luck Cori!! Undisclosed amount
May 15 Neziric Family Crush it like you always do! $273.35
May 15 Courtney, Mike, & Cameron Run Alz Run! $100.00
May 10 Deb Scorzoni Good Luck Cori $55.35