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Latham Centers, Inc.

Raise money for Latham Centers, Inc.

Latham Centers' mission is to create opportunities for independence, self-worth, and happiness for children and adults with complex special needs.

Founded in 1970 in Brewster, MA, Latham Centers, Inc. is a nationally accredited treatment program providing therapeutic, residential, educational, recreational, and vocational services to individuals with complex special needs. More than 70% of the individuals who call Latham Centers home are diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS.) PWS is a severe, randomly occurring genetic disorder. A complex syndrome, PWS manifests with characteristic symptoms, including insatiable appetite, mild-to-moderate intellectual disability, emotional and behavioral problems, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and slow body metabolism. There is no cure for PWS, and successful interventions in therapeutic and skill-building programs enable individuals to learn coping skills. The syndrome occurs approximately once every 15,000 births and occurs in all races and ethnic groups. Latham Centers is the only residential facility in the United States specializing in treating children and adults with PWS. 

 Additionally, Latham provides care to children and adults with intellectual disabilities and other diagnoses, such as PTSD, Autism Spectrum Disorder as a secondary diagnosis, bipolar disorder, and Reactive Attachment Disorder. Latham provides a nurturing environment where vulnerable children and adults can feel safe, recover from past traumas, and receive individualized education, treatment, and therapies.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 22 Rich & Ann Bulger you go girl $55.35
May 10 The Derby's Proud of you $109.85
May 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 02 Michael Bulger $50.00
May 02 Courtney Gaynier $49.90
May 02 Sandy Cody You Go Girl! $109.85
May 02 Cristina Parsons So proud of you Undisclosed amount
May 02 Coakley’s $109.85
Apr 26 Latham Centers, Inc David and Gail McDowell We Love you Ashley $33.55
Apr 24 Heather Kelsey Thanks, Ashley for supporting Latham! $49.90