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Moving Forward, Inc.

Raise money for Moving Forward, Inc.

Moving Forward’s purpose is to provide services that encourage, empower and challenge individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, social anxiety, learning disabilities, and mild intellectual disabilities, to recognize their inherent worth and be their best selves. 

A truly special organization, intentionally designed to aid individuals who can easily be lost in a big pond. Care and respect are the basic principles for staff at Moving Forward. Members travel daily to Hyannis from all over the Cape to attend this wonderful program.

Moving Forward Inc is a day hab program in West Barnstable.  Moving Forward's mission is to provide services that encourage, empower and challenge individuals with autism spectrum disorder, social anxiety, learning disabilities, and mild intellectual disabilities, to recognize their inherent worth and be their best selves. 

Moving Forward is intentionally designed small to aid individuals who can easily be lost in a big pond but flourish in a small setting.  Care and respect are basic principles for staff at Moving Forward.  At Moving Forward, individuals are encouraged to be their best every day;  helping members build confidence.  

Our priority this year is the immediate need to replace all one of our 12 passenger vans. Transportation regulations require vans to be no more than 5 years old and our vans are hitting that mark. New vans can cost $55,000 + so we need to begin replacing one at a time starting now.  Without our vans we are not able to transport our members to and from their homes and out in the community where we spend a vast majority of our time.  Our Falmouth Road Race team is working to raise funds to defray the costs associated with the purchase of a passenger van.


"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep MOVING FORWARD."                      

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 08 Cory Mac My Guy ❤️ $28.10
Jun 08 Chris Let’s go Matt! $109.85
Jun 08 Sean mcnally $28.10
Jun 08 sally feeney Go Matt!! I will be there in August cheering you on- it's one of my favorite days during the summer <3 $50.00
Jun 08 Nana Good luck grandson! $55.35
Jun 08 Julie Reardon Best of luck, it's a great cause $28.10
Jun 06 Ellie Glade $25.00
Jun 06 Jacob Undisclosed amount
Jun 06 Balaconis Fam Go Matt! Thanks for choosing an organization that has a mission that hits close to home. Undisclosed amount
Jun 03 Adaline Fennessey Go Mr Mason!! Undisclosed amount