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Help Alexa raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

My name is Alexa and this year I am running the Falmouth Road Race for the Heart Warrior Foundation. I’m happy to say I’m representing Boston Children’s Hospital as one of their newest nurses to the acute cardiac care unit. As some of you may know, I am a heart warrior myself! I was born with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot and underwent open heart surgery when I was 4 months old. Since then, my family has been nothing but supportive of me through school, sports, and other extracurriculars. With my mom being a major inspiration for my nursing career, and my cardiologist at Yale Children’s making each annual checkup something to look forward to, I made it a career goal to become a pediatric cardiology nurse. My Gagi Don and Gagi Tootie have always told me how special it is to belong to “the zipper club”, and that our scars represent strength. My parents and grandparents have told me how difficult it was for them to know about my CHD and to send me into surgery. They’ve all inspired me to help show other heart warriors how special and strong they are, and to help support and give hope to the families of their own heart warriors. So please help support me in supporting them, thank you!!


Non-profit that assists and supports families and children affected by congenital heart defect defects.  Heart Warrior Foundation has many programs that directly impact the Heart Center at Boston Children's Hospital. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 14 Kim You’re doing a great thing for a great cause! Go Alexa! ❤️ $109.85
Mar 14 Patty DeLucia What a beautifully written message, Alexa 💜 $55.35
Mar 14 Dino Gravanis Inspiring Alexa! Wishing you the best!! $109.85
Mar 14 Linda McEwen Good Luck!❤️ $28.10
Mar 14 Anonymous $55.35
Mar 14 Corrine & Matt Lacy Go Alexa! We are proud of you!! $55.35
Mar 14 Nick Gravanis $28.10
Mar 01 Alexa Hassan $55.35