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Help James raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Having grown up just down the road from the Falmouth Road Race finish line, James had been waiting to turn 10, so that he could participate in the race, since he was a “little kid.” He finally accomplished this goal in August of 2022, finishing the race in 01:09:52, and raising $4,320.60 for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, in honor of his mom. 

In April, 2022, James’ mom, Lindsay, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent treatment, and James is happy to report that she is now cancer-free. On August 20th, James will run the ASICS Falmouth Road Race for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition again, with the hope that he can do more to help to prevent other kids from experiencing a breast cancer diagnosis in their family. This year, he's out to smash his old FRR records! While the training required to beat his previous finish time is all on James, YOU can help him to reach his new fundraising goal this year, and help him and the MBCC to prevent breast cancer by making a donation today! 

The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition is dedicated to preventing environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research advocacy, and changes to public policy. They believe that believe that to eradicate breast cancer we must prevent it. They are trying to find the causes of breast cancer, so that we can stop it before it starts. You can learn more about the MBCC by visiting


Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition is dedicated to preventing environmental causes of breast cancer through community education, research advocacy, and changes to public policy.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 29 Sarah szpond You got this! Go James! $28.10
Jul 22 Nana Keep up the good work James-I am so proud of you! 💙 $109.85
Jul 05 Lemonade Stand James & Finn’s lemonade stand for MBCC $44.45
Jul 03 Falmouth Heights Neighbors $117.75
Jul 02 Alicia, Neil, Scarlett, & Bear <3 James, we're so proud of you! (And your run FAST!! 💪) $28.10
Jul 02 Susan Mitchell You got this, James!!! ❤️ Big hugs from Tampa!! $20.00
Jul 02 Danielle F Good Luck James!!! $50.00
Jul 02 Falmouth Heights Neighbors $78.24
Jul 02 The Langevins Good luck!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 01 Lemonade Stand 🍋 James & Finn’s lemonade stand for MBCC $254.38