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Help Abigail raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Recovery Without Walls is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting women in recovery from substance abuse. They help women to get and stay sober by easing their transition to lives in recovery, incorporating holistic methods such as acupuncture and yoga. 

RWW helped me in my own journey in recovery, assisting me with finding sober housing, and even facilitating my return to school to finish my degree. 

This past May we lost a very special person: Matia Bryan, one of my closest friends in recovery. Matia celebrated 12 years in recovery, but relapsed and was not able to make it back. Matia was a single mother, and left a beautiful, bright, 7-year-old daughter, Mila.

RWW has been generously raising funds for Mila's upbringing, wellbeing, education, and future. A portion of the funds raised in this fundraiser will go towards Mila's fund. 

Please consider donating any amount you are able- it goes to a great cause.

Thank you!!

Donate to help Abigail raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 11 Julio Cortés del Olmo Go! Thanks for fundraising! $55.35
Jul 11 JB $28.10
Jul 10 Liz and Brian Lawlor Way to go Abby ! $55.35
Jul 03 Craig Baker $55.35
Jul 01 The Padmalingams Go! Go! We love you! $109.85
Jun 27 Catharina Armstrong You go girl, great cause! $82.60
Jun 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 24 Anonymous 💙 $28.10
Jun 24 Lauren Brown 🩷 $28.10
Jun 24 Kelly ❤️ ♥️ 💜 $28.10