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Help Michaela raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Making A Difference With My Miles for NOCC TEAM TEAL!

My sister and I lost a very special aunt, Kristin DeYoung, in February of 2022 after fighting Ovarian Cancer for five years. Kristin never once lost her hope to defeat this deadly disease and never once stopped living her life to the fullest. She was our best friend as well as a best friend to many others. We are running the 2023 Falmouth Road Race in honor of Kristin DeYoung and to raise awareness of this deadly disease. By donating you are donating directly to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition whose main goal is: Research, Quality of Life and Education/Awareness. We are asking this year that you please help support NOCC to help all those living with this disease. You are not only donating to NOCC but you are helping other people avoid suffering the loss we did. Any donation or share is appreciated and can make a difference! 


On August 20, 2023 I will be running in the 2023 Asics Falmouth Road Race in Falmouth, MA as a member of National Ovarian Cancer Coalition's Team Teal. My efforts will help improve the lives of women, families, and communities touched by ovarian cancer. Over 225,000 females are living with an ovarian cancer diagnosis in the US alone, and close to 22,000 are diagnosed annually. There is no early detection test and all females are at risk. I am dedicated to making a difference with my miles!

You can support my efforts by making a tax-deductible donation today. Support will go to provide funding for research, education & awareness and quality of life programs which include: 

  • Meal delivery through the NOCC Comfort for the Soul Program / Professional counseling through NOCC Comfort for the Mind Program Financial Assistance to those near or above the poverty level in treatment / Educational & Comfort Kits distributed at major hospitals to newly diagnosed and those in recurrence / Peer to Peer support groups / Educational programs including Ask the Experts, DigiTeal, Rejuvenate Luncheons & retreats. 

In this year of great challenges, one even greater challenge remains, saving more lives from ovarian cancer. Dollars raised for the NOCC support national programs and local market initiatives which include: heightening awareness of the subtle signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, assisting newly-diagnosed survivors and those in recurrence throughout the country through food security programs, financial assistance, and mental health counseling, providing ongoing support to caregivers and advocating for the advancement of ovarian cancer research.

Your donation will save lives ~ thank you for your support! To learn more about this great organization, go to

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 03 Bill and Paula Burke Sam and Michaela…Great cause! Good luck and praying for good weather! $55.35
Apr 03 Anonymous Good luck to you both! Papa Richard! $327.85
Apr 03 Bob and Ellen Suarez Good Luck -Samantha and Michaela, you will do great! You can stay here💕 $25.00
Apr 03 Michelle King $55.35
Apr 03 Donna & Mark McDonough Good luck Michaela & Samantha Undisclosed amount
Apr 03 Aunt Mary Good luck to you! Is this donation to just you Michaela or should I look for another one for Sam? Love, Aunt Mary $109.85
Apr 03 Sophie Tapper Goodluck Mic & Sam!!!!!! $50.00
Apr 03 John and Pat Viola Good luck! $109.85
Apr 03 Anonymous So proud of you both! Love Mom and Dad $273.35
Apr 03 Jessica Ciardi Undisclosed amount