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Help Scott raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support CCALS!

This year Meg, Ben, Zach, Josh and I will be dedicating our training, running and fundraising to this amazing Charity CCALS.  Last year one of our favorite family members, Mike O'Brien 'OB', was diagnosed with ALS and the diagnosis rocked our family.  CCALS stepped in with guidance, support, and assistance for Mike, Juliet and our whole family.  The labyrinth presented by ALS is almost impossible to navigate without an organization like CCALS.  

Your donation will go to help Mike, Juliet and families like them that are learning to live with this terrible disease.  Thanks in advance for your support.

Here's to Miller Lites at the finish line with OB!

Scott, Meg, Ben, Zach and Josh


CCALS offers an innovative and holistic range of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with ALS and their families. The services we offer are typically not covered by insurance. CCALS works with families in New England, across the United States, and internationally. The organization provides resources including equipment, educational workshops, Medicaid assistance, guidance and awareness in living with ALS, caregiving, and end-of-life issues.  All funds raised through the Falmouth Road Race go directly to assisting families with ALS.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 17 Anonymous Such a great cause, good luck!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 Kevin Hall $50.00
Aug 17 Diane and Bert $109.85
Aug 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 12 Dave Allen Good luck Lawrence's! $109.85
Aug 11 Anonymous $100.00
Aug 07 Van Damme $28.10
Aug 04 . Best of luck Scott. $55.35
Aug 03 The Colangelo Family For the O'Brien Family. $55.35
Aug 01 Stephanie Corby & Stephen Kowalski $115.79