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Help Dave raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

When Alden was diagnosed with PMG, a rare genetic brain malformation, our family was forever changed.  Courageous Parents Network (CPN) is an amazing resource that Laura and I have accessed throughout our journey.  CPN helped us find our way through the fog of grief that enveloped us after Alden's initial diagnosis and we continue to turn to them as we navigate the complex decisions that are required as parents of a medically complex child.

I am thrilled to be supporting CPN by joining their team in the 2023 Falmouth Road Race.   Funds raised from this event will support CPN's efforts to expand their reach to underserved communities, enabling them to have an even larger impact on the lives of families.

Thank you for your support!  Hopefully we all look as happy after the race as we did in this picture last year. 

If you want to more about our journey, check out Laura's website here:

Donate to help Dave raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 24 Campbell Brown $109.85
Jul 24 John & Caroline Carty Well done Dave! $545.85
Jul 24 Paul Martin Good luck Dave! $82.60
Jul 22 Dennis Smith Great stuff !! $273.35
Jul 21 Anonymous Keep up the great work! $1,000.00
Jul 21 Bruce Selby Bennett Good luck on the race $500.00
Jul 21 Amanda Lyons Amazing!!!! Keep up the good work!!! $273.35
Jul 21 The Tullys Way to go, Dave! $109.85
Jul 21 Anonymous Seems like a great organization - hope this small donation helps support CPN's mission. Best, Ryan Undisclosed amount
Jul 21 Rebecca, Elliot and Joe Undisclosed amount