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Help Ciera raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

My Story.... this is my why. Almost 2 years ago I gave birth to a beautiful little baby boy who completed our family. While we were in the hospital I noticed that the routine heal prick they do on new babies just was not stopping from bleeding. Bandaid after bandaid, bloody swaddle after bloody swaddle, each nurse would say "oh it must have just been deep" or "it will stop soon", but in my heart I knew something was wrong.  We have no history of bleeding disorders in my family, but in my heart I knew Ethan's bloody heal was not normal. Fast forward 4 long days in the hospital, one brain ultra sound for little Ethan and a call to Boston Childrens, we were on our way to Boston to meet with the Hemophilia team and get any answers we could for our little bundle of joy. To say those days were hard would be an understatement but between the team at BCH and NEHA we were able to get answers, support and compassion that was desperately needed in our time of sadness, confusion and worry. 

Fast forward almost two years later and here we are, I have since learned that not only does our son have Severe Hemophilia A, but I have Mild Hemophilia A and our 5 year old daughter also has Mild Hemophilia A. With the help of the bleeding community, we have been able to navigate this new life in a way that seems so normal. We still have days of worry but we know we have an amazing community in NEHA at our fingertips! 

I am running in support of my hemo warrior Ethan (pictured) and for myself, and my daughter. 

Donate to help Ciera raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 25 Nancy Christie $28.10
Jul 25 Michelle Torres $28.10
Jul 25 June Mitchell $28.10
Apr 13 Ciera Stewart $28.10