Welcome to the Donation Page for Team McCormack - in honor of Lynn! Running this year is Lynn's daughter, Ashley.
The is page is dedicated to raising money to support research and treatments that will slow/end the progression of the symptoms of ALS, and hopefully one day - complete reversal.
Our inspiration is my amazing mother, Lynn McCormack. My sister ran last year, and the torch has been passed to me for 2023.
My mom has been a loving and supportive presence in the lives of everyone close to her. She is smart, funny, kind, and thoughtful. She has been a loving partner to my father Michael (since they were 16!), and a superhero mom to myself and my siblings, Derek and Kelsey (and now Marc!). She was an incredible nurse for over 30 years, tirelessly helping others with cancer and other serious diagnoses at Cardinal Cushing Hospital in Brockton, the South Shore VNA, Dana Farber, and other facilities. More recently, she has become a sweetheart grandmother to Charlotte Lynn Marin. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.
My mom is one of the strongest people I know. She is fighting like hell every day and our family appreciates your continued support!
❤️ Ashley
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page for the 51st running of the Falmouth Road Race! This prestigious event takes place in-person on August 20, 2023 along the coastline streets of beautiful Falmouth, MA! At-home runners will complete 7 miles in any way of their choosing during the week of August 12-19, 2023.
Your support means the world to me and to all of us and will help to advance critical research at MGH, UMass Medical School, and ALS TDI, while providing essential equipment such as lifts, ramps, wheelchairs and assistive technology devices to individuals currently living with ALS via our care team at Compassionate Care ALS - all incredible partners that make up ALS ONE.
Your donation is fully tax-deductible, as ALS ONE is a 501c3 non-profit organization (EIN #47-4984263).
To learn more about ALS ONE, visit their website at: https://alsone.org/
A big THANK YOU to all who have donated so far!
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
May 01 | Linda O’Connor | $109.85 |
Apr 30 | Kim and Ed King | $109.85 |
Apr 30 | Rick & Pat Dorney | $109.85 |
Apr 30 | Michael and Darleen Boucher | $109.85 |
Apr 29 | Team McCormack | $545.85 |
Apr 29 | Tom & Carol Smith | $109.85 |
Apr 28 | Eric and Debra Sturge | $273.35 |
Apr 28 | RN sending thoughts and prayers for fighting this horrible disease. | $250.00 |
Apr 28 | Cheryl Oliveira | $109.85 |
Apr 28 | Marie Leonard | $109.85 |