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Help Michael raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to consider making a donation. 

Streetcar has been a proud supporter of Community Servings for the last few years. I am honored to run the Falmouth Road Race in their name.

I just caught the running bug last May, having never run more than a mile in my whole life. I have surprised myself and my friends and family by finishing two half marathons already! Why? I haven’t had a clear answer, but maybe this is the start of one. 

Thanks again for your consideration and generosity. It means as much to me as it does to Community Servings. 

— Michael Dupuy, Owner of Streetcar

Donate to help Michael raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 14 Bishop 🤟🏼 $55.35
Jul 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 14 Cara & Eugene woohoo! $28.10
Jul 07 A JP Neighbor $28.10
May 22 Steve Rosenfeld Great combination—Streetcar and CS! $109.85
May 20 Greg Kelley $55.35
May 19 Barbara and William Haney Undisclosed amount
May 06 Leah Geragosian $20.00
May 03 Streetcar Wine and Beer $250.00