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Help Stephanie raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm running the 51st ASICS Falmouth Road Race for the Joe Andruzzi Foundation

Wow I can’t believe I’m once again running the Falmouth Road Race for The Joe Andruzzi Foundation…. I started this journey not knowing how it would completely impact my life. I chose JAF originally in memory my Uncle Kenny, retired Braintree Fire Chief who lost his battle with cancer. I wanted to pay it forward to other cancer patients and their families so they know they aren’t fighting alone! I now also honor another loved one during the fundraising and run….. this year is a special person to me and my family! This year I will run Nonnie Strong…. Our Nonnie is an amazing woman and the love she gives to her family is like no other! She may not be related by blood but she loves my son like her own…. Nonnie thank you for your love and kindness and most importantly for your food (lol)! We love you and this run is for you Nonnie…. 

SURPRISES come when you least expect it to…. Cancer diagnosis is by far the biggest one! On July 3rd i found out I have breast cancer….. Running Falmouth will mean more than just another run….. wearing JAF this August will mean more than just another charity singlet! Falmouth and this run will so just how unstoppable I am, that I may have cancer but it does not have me! As I still stand strong as #NonnieStrong I will rock pink stand strong for myself…..

Now let’s kick cancers a*s!!!! 

 I thank you all now for your love support and donations….. Cancer sucks and no one should have to face the uncertainty of it! 

See you at the finish line….. 

Donate to help Stephanie raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 13 Jessica and Tim Knightes You Got This!! Love You $55.35
Jul 13 Kerri Casey You got this Steph!! $44.45
Jul 12 Julie Vercillo Hutcheon You are amazing! $33.55
Jul 10 Stephanie Strong Stephanie Strong 💪 Love you girl ♥️ $55.35
Jul 09 Chris Sullivan “Auntie Chris” $55.35
Jul 07 AMG You got this! Have a great run!! $55.35
Jul 07 Natalie Way to go… Stephanie $28.10
Jul 03 The Tudiscos Give 'em hell! $55.35
Jul 03 Frances Bruus I hope you raise all that you can. Your AMAZING. $28.10
May 18 The Wolfe Family So proud of you ❤️ $28.10