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Help Meghan raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm Making My Miles More Meaningful

Hello friends & family, I am very excited to say that I will be running the Falmouth Road Race for the very FIRST time this year! Growing up in Falmouth, I always volunteered at the Road Race never thinking I would be able to run it myself. But with some motivation, training and encouragement I am going to tackle this race not only for myself, but in memory and honor of my loved ones who have fought so bravely against their battles with cancer. If you would consider donating, any amount is greatly appreciated and will help towards finding a cure! 


Why I Support the American Cancer Society

Cancer has affected so many people I know and love that it’s inspired me to join this American Cancer Society event. Taking part in this event gives me the chance to make a difference and honor those touched by cancer by raising funds for groundbreaking research and services for people dealing with cancer. I’m also participating to inspire hope for those facing the disease and raising money for the American Cancer Society's event to help save lives from cancer.  I hope you’ll consider signing up too.

Funds raised support cancer patient programs and groundbreaking research that can help save lives. This event also celebrates over 18 million cancer survivors nationwide. 18 MILLION. That’s huge. That’s why I’d love your support. Will you join me? And if you can’t would you be so kind as to make a donation?


Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 20 Alex For Kels 🤍 Undisclosed amount
Jun 20 Lauren Waingortin Go Meg!! The Falmouth road race is awesome! $11.75
Jun 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 25 Meghan Carey $109.85