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Help Katarina raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support. Inspire. Empower.

You may have never heard of the Herren Project, but this organization is responsible for supporting individuals and their families through long term recovery from addiction. I opted to run to raise money for Herren, because I personally have struggled with addiction. I now have a much healthier relationship with alcohol and have finally found an ADD medication that doesn't produce the same kind of addictive effects that my first prescription did. However, like anyone on the path to recovery I know that having supports like those offered through Herren are essential to long term sobriety or healthy use. I started my journey alone, going cold turkey and of course over compensating for the absence of substances with over exercising. Getting into a healthy flow with fitness took time as well. But ultimately surrounding myself with people who didn't pass judgement and didn't make me feel like I needed to drink around them or that the only activity would be drinking ultimately helped me come to develop a non-dependent relationship with alcohol. Herren offers judgement-free support for as long as you need it. And when I was struggling the most, at Brown, I didn't know that Herren was right down the road from me in Rhode Island. Yes, I managed to reach the place I am now with minimal support but I definitely could have reached the place I'm at now much faster with their help. I chose to support Herren because increased funding could not only support those receiving rehabilitative support currently, but it could also help get the word out about services that are close to the people who need them, like I did. Please donate what you can and in exchange you will receive 1) the joy of knowing that you directly helped someone, and 2) a very red-faced and sweat drenched official photo of me crossing the finish line in Falmouth. I appreciate you taking the time to read about my story and the impact you can make through supporting Herren. If you want to learn more, go to the "Description" section on this page and click the blue hyperlink in the words "Herren Project".


Herren Project is a national nonprofit organization providing free resources and support for the treatment, recovery and prevention of substance use disorder. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 27 Toni Awesome cause! Go V.B.! $28.10
Apr 27 Anonymous $25.00
Apr 27 Anonymous Proud of you! Undisclosed amount
Apr 27 Mom & Dad Love you and love your thoughtful and generous spirit! $55.35
Apr 27 The Linta family So happy to support you and this worthy cause, Kat! $50.00