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Help Marc raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our Story

I'm excited to again be running the Falmouth Road Race this year for Live4Evan! This time around, I'll be running as a new father of our baby girl, Jordyn!


When my daughter was born in June, she required a precautionary stay in the NICU. We later faced the challenge of my wife being discharged earlier than our daughter. During that time, the worry of where we would stay while our daughter remained in the hospital created added stress. However, we were very fortunate that the NICU team had a small boarding room available for us to stay in for a few extra nights. This kept us a few doors away from Jordyn until she was released a few days later.

My wife and I have been a part of Live4Evan's fundraising efforts for a number of years now, but this experience has provided new perspective, and I think about the families who are dealing with much more challenging circumstances for more extensive periods of time.

This is where Live4Evan plays a huge part. The organization provides temporary housing for families with children undergoing treatment for congenital heart disease at Boston Children's Hospital. This kind of support removes a huge weight from these families, both logistically and financially. This aid enables them to instead focus on what matters most, which is being by their child's side.

As we work towards our fundraising goal this year, Live4Evan is striving to open an additional apartment, as well as maintaining funding for their existing apartments. With your help, we can continue supporting these families so they have one less thing to worry about.

Thank you for your support and consideration!

Donate to help Marc raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 01 Legendre Family $55.35
Aug 01 Darcy Cronin Raising awareness for a great cause! $28.10
Aug 01 Scott & Denise Tibbo Marc, Hannah, wishing Jordyn a speedy recovery. $273.35
Aug 01 Julianne and Brendan Rickert $55.35
Aug 01 Anonymous Thank you for supporting this cause and raising awareness! Undisclosed amount
Aug 01 Kate Zuidema Run run run!!!🏃🏻‍♂️ $28.10
Aug 01 Lisa McGinnis Best of Luck Marc!! $55.35
Aug 01 Jordyn Run daddy run! $28.10
Aug 01 Go Mark Go!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 31 The Telfer Family $28.10