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Help Brendon raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


The Cape Cod Commerical Fishermen's Alliance is proud to be participating for the sixth consecutive year in the iconic Falmouth Road Race as part of the Numbers for Non-Profits Program. Our fantastic team is running to raise funds to help us continue our work advocating for our historic small boat fishing industry and sustainable fishing on Cape Cod.

Founded in 1991 by the local fishing fleet, Fishermen's Alliance engages the local fishing community in building lasting solutions to protect the ocean ecosystem and the future of Cape Cod's small-boat fishing fleet. 

Fishermen's Alliance stands for:

  • A Healthy Ocean Environment: We advocate for healthy oceans to ensure sustainable and successful fishing businesses.
  • Fishermen Driving Science: Fishermen partner with scientists to conduct research to inform sensible and forward-looking fishing regulations.
  • Economic Development: We invest in fisheries to provide opportunities for both today's fishermen and future generations to build their businesses.
  • Community: We bring fishermen and our community together to create connections that support the local fishing industry and its value to the community.
  • Sustainable Solutions: We believe a healthy marine environment is essential to the success and sustainability of Cape Cod's economy. Fishermen's Alliance is taking action now to make sure there will be a future for fish and fishermen.

Thank you for supporting healthy oceans, sustainable fishing and strong coastal communities on Cape Cod!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 31 Anne Van Vleck Happy running Brendon! Thanks for making a difference for such an important cause! $109.85
Jul 31 JJ Good luck raising your goal! Have a fun race 😎 JJ $109.85
Jul 31 Liam Hogg Run like the wind. $109.85
Jul 23 Have a great race $100.00