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Help Kelly raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hello! My husband Tom and I are thrilled to be running the Falmouth Road Race this year - nearly one year after being married right here in Falmouth Heights!

This is our first year running, and we are so thrilled to be running in support of the Courageous Parents Networka non-profit organization that orients and empowers parents and others caring for children with serious illness, by providing resources and tools that reflect the experience and perspective of other families and clinicians.

Tom and I are both physicians practicing in Boston. The Courageous Parents Network has been an invaluable resource for us - especially to be able to share with our patients, so that we may all "Never Worry Alone". We appreciate any and all donations for this truly wonderful cause. See you in Falmouth! 

Kelly & Thomas Quinn

Donate to help Kelly raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Toren Go Tom & Kelly! $55.35
May 29 Justin & Danny Good luck on the run! We are rooting for you; go Kelly and Tom! $28.10
May 29 Cathy Quinn Go Kelly! $55.35