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Help Alicia raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

I am running the Falmouth Road Race this year with my college Holy Cross track teammate and lifelong friend Mary Kate O'Brien to raise money for The Courageous Parents Network (CPN)  I am honored to run for CPN in memory of my niece, Emerson, who died of complications of a rare and progressive neurologic disorder, Gaucher Type 2.  I also run in honor and memory of my patients with serious and life altering/limiting respiratory conditions.

 CPN is a non-profit organization that provides resources to families and providers caring for children with serious medical conditions.  CPN empowers families to advocate for what is best for their child and family as they make decisions and cope during the journey of caring for a child with serious illness.  Many of my patients and colleagues, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and I have benefited from CPN resources.  I am so grateful to CPN for the support that they provide as it helps me to take better care of my patients.

Donate to help Alicia raise money for The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 12 Maureen Hinckley You go girl $109.85
Aug 12 Sheila Flaherty You are an inspiration, Alicia! Good luck! $55.35
Aug 12 Nora Casey $28.10
Aug 12 Good luck ! The LeBlanc Family $28.10
Aug 12 Jill Coughlin Go Alicia!! $55.35
Aug 12 Maggie, Mark, Trip & Charlotte $50.00
May 09 Alicia Casey $273.35