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Help Nancy raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm running the Falmouth Road to END ALZ!

Thank you for your donation to the Alzheimers Association in honor of my Mom, Evie.  Hearing the news 5 years ago that my Mom had findings of Alzheimers was devastating.  Sure she was a bit absent minded, we teased her mercilessly when she once put her coffee in the microwave and started dialing her friend Pat's phone number on the microwave years ago... but most of the time that was because she was doing 3 things at once.  She never missed a game, never missed a party or a birthday.  She was a dedicated teacher and a loyal friend, but most importantly she was my Mom, my rock, my best friend.  She was the first person I called with good news or bad and she always new exactly what to say, or maybe what not to say!  She has faced the diagnosis like she has faced life, head on and fearlessly.  Her motto "It is what it is, but it becomes what you make it" is truly her way of life.  Her sense of humor is untouched by this awful disease and for that we are so grateful.  I pray every night that the disease slows down, that she never forgets me or my brother.  I know these prayers may not be answered in the way I would like, and I pray for the strength and patience to always be there for her as she was for me.   The Alzheimers association has been an incredible resource for me as we struggled to learn how to talk about the disease. They support research on prevention and treatment so hopefully, in my lifetime, we may have some more knowledge on sparing others from this awful disease.  If you would prefer to donate by check, please make checks payable to Alzheimer's Association and mail them to my home address:  16 Constitution Road, Hingham, MA 02043 and I will send them in with a check deposit form.  


Join the fight to end Alzheimer's and all other dementias by making a donation today! Team End ALZ is raising vital awareness and funding to support local families and individuals facing Alzheimer's and dementia while funding research for treatments and a cure. Currently there are no survivors. We run for the first survivor. Please donate today!

To learn more about the Alzheimer's Association please visit or call the 24/7 helpline: 800.272.3900.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 08 Martha Engstrom In memory of Nancy Drew’s mother Undisclosed amount
Aug 08 Saima and Faisal Khan $100.00
Jun 17 Kim & Doug Wendell Go Nancy! xoxo $109.85
Jun 16 Sarah May Thank you Nancy, it is a long road of loss and love $273.35
Jun 15 Mary & Chris Giuliana For Evie! Have a great run Nancy💜 $55.35
Jun 15 Cavanaugh & Robin Family Go Nancy Undisclosed amount
Jun 15 Liz Baron Very inspiring! Hoping for a cure someday ❤️ $25.00
Jun 15 Donna Rowan Happy to donate to a worthy cause! $55.35
Jun 15 Jim Brawley For Joan and Evie. $273.35
Jun 14 Eileen Kelley In honor of my lifelong friend, Evie. $109.85