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Help Morgan raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Hi! I will be running the Falmouth Road Race on August 20th for the Campus School at Boston College! This is an amazing organization that I have worked with through my dance team at BC and I am excited to be able to run as a part of their team this year! Here’s a bit more about the campus school:  For more than fifty years, the Campus School at Boston College has educated students ages 3 to 22 with extensive support needs, including complex health care needs. Our private, publicly funded, special education day school is situated in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development on the Boston College campus. Thank you for your support! 


Thank you for helping me raise $1000 for the Campus School at Boston College!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 31 Sydie Mo Mo runs fast! Yay Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 M&D GOgo MOmo!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 10 Go Morgan you got this! you better run b**** $28.10
Jul 10 Megan Go goonerz go! She’s so marvelous 🏃‍♀️ Undisclosed amount
Jul 09 Eric Undisclosed amount
Jul 09 morgo $22.65
Jul 09 Charlie Hazza Undisclosed amount
Jul 09 Emme DeVito GOOOOOO GOONIE!!!! So proud of you <3 Undisclosed amount
Jun 17 Ned Villiotte What a great cause! Good stuff Morgan, run fast! $28.10
Jun 17 Tim Hope you don’t embezzle this one! $17.20