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Help Marc raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


All money raised through the ASICS Falmouth Road Race will help fund the Lurie Center's Family Support Team; a consultative lifeline helping patients & families navigate the difficult medical, therapeutic and life decisions related to caring for an individual with autism. Whether it is a question about insurance, educational support, adult services, or a sibling adjustment concern, because of the generous donations collected through this event, the Family Support Team is just a phone call away. They meet one-on-one with families, but also field an estimated 7,500 calls per year, and make an additional 4,500 or so follow-up calls. 

Autism diagnoses are on the rise. The number of patients seen at the Lurie Center is growing steadily with more than 10,000 appointments during the last year. Unfortunately, less than half of the clinical costs are covered by health insurance reimbursements.

Charitable support is essential for the vitality of the clinic and there is an extraordinary opportunity to double this event's fundraising efforts. Thanks to the Nancy Lurie Marks Foundation, every donation received will be matched dollar for dollar.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 16 Russ Bubas Go Marc! Go! $109.85
Aug 16 Holly & Michael LeBon “Go fast enough to get there, but slow enough to see” - Jimmy Buffet $109.85
Aug 13 Tom and Mary Dwyer Happy to support this excellent cause and the great Turgeon family $273.35
Aug 08 Ernest Dorber Run like the wind mon ami! $28.10
Aug 08 Tim B Who could resist? $22.65
Aug 07 TIAA USA $500.00
Aug 04 Janet and Paul Bryant $55.35
Jul 31 Kate McAnarney $55.35
Jul 31 Tom Foerster Good luck Marc! $109.85
Jul 31 Lynda Murphy Undisclosed amount