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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Support CCALS!

My good friend and former colleague, Justin Soares, was diagnosed in October of 2021 with ALS at just 36 years old.  I am running the Falmouth Road Race to raise money for CCALS - a wonderful organization who has supported Justin and his family from the beginning and continues to support them as they navigate this challenge.  Please help me by donating to my cause as I lace them up!  Thank you!


CCALS offers an innovative and holistic range of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with ALS and their families. The services we offer are typically not covered by insurance. CCALS works with families in New England, across the United States, and internationally. The organization provides resources including equipment, educational workshops, Medicaid assistance, guidance and awareness in living with ALS, caregiving, and end-of-life issues.  All funds raised through the Falmouth Road Race go directly to assisting families with ALS.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 17 Marcia Jones $28.10
Jul 17 The Clark Family $28.10
Jul 17 Krissy Moriarty $55.35
Jul 17 Harmon Family $109.85
Jul 17 Joanna & Knox Naumes-Hoch $28.10
Jul 17 Penny Undisclosed amount
Jul 17 Benoit Family A wonderful organization who has helped 2 dads in our community. A cure is needed. Thank you for running! $28.10
Jul 17 Marianne and Roy Madden You go Jess. $28.10