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Help Justin raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Back for another round.  For the second year in a row I’m running in the Falmouth Road Race to do my small part to help Finish MS.

Just like last year I am running to support those battling MS but most of all my mother in law.  It’s one thing to get lucky with caring, welcoming and supportive in laws but to be so fortunate to have my mother in law be such a badass, I’ll always be grateful. You see she is all of those things to me, but it’s what she is to everyone around her that puts me in awe every day. To watch someone give so selflessly while struggling with a disease that takes away such basic functions others take for granted is nothing short of awe inspiring. 

My kids love spending time with their Nunnie and you would think given her MS that would limit her capacity to play with her grandchildren, but you would be dead wrong. She gives everything she has to her grandchildren even on the toughest days. She faces each and every day without complaint and strives to be as independent as possible. She’s a determined and fearless women who has raised 4 children and lovingly plays with 4 grandchildren all while battling an MS diagnosis that would bring you or I to our knees in pain and frustration. To her, it’s every day life to be in pain, to struggle to walk, to suffer in silence. I’m running this race for her and so many like her.

Every chance to raise awareness and fundraise to support advancements in MS must be taken. For me, it’s as simple as this. I plan to run as hard as I can for 7 miles so, in my own way, I can tell my mother-in-law she inspires me and I am forever grateful to have her in my life and most importantly in my kids lives. 

Everyday I keep an eye on new therapies that are being developed to help those with MS battle this disease and I greatly appreciate any and all support you can show as I try to do such a small part to push this fight forward.


Our goal—a world free of MS.

I’ve signed up to bring together a community of passionate people to connect and raise funds to change the world for everyone affected by multiple sclerosis.

Please support me today.

I've set an ambitious goal because with your support, I know I can get there.

MS is an unpredictable and often disabling disease. While we’ve come a long way in understanding and treating MS, there’s still so much more to do. That's why I'm participating and raising funds, and I hope I can count on you to help fuel progress. The money you donate will drive groundbreaking research and services to ensure people affected by MS have the resources they need to live their best lives.

Ready to join me in ending MS forever?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 10 Tommy and Emily Motherway For mom! ❤️ $28.10
Aug 10 Justin Keep on running love mom And dad xo Undisclosed amount
Aug 10 Lenny & Kristin Levesque Go Justin. $55.35
Jun 02 Abel, Emmett, and Brinley For Nunnie $100.00