One of my closest friends, Sarah Langs, was diagnosed with ALS before turning 30 years old.
Anyone who knows Sarah, or is familiar with her stellar work for MLB and ESPN as a reporter and researcher, knows that she approaches everything in her life with unbridled enthusiasm, passion, and positivity — not to mention empathy and selflessness.
And now, even in the face of ALS, Sarah’s exceptionality is as boundless as ever. As she fights this disease, Sarah thinks not of herself but only of what she can do and how she can help those around her and others fighting ALS.
In a recent interview with MLB, Sarah was asked how she stays positive and finds joy. In true Sarah fashion, her first answer was baseball. But, then she reflected that “it’s also me. I just don’t see any point in being any other way. If I were to feel sorry for myself, what’s that really accomplishing? So I’d rather just be happy and have this approach.”
Sarah and I first met working on the 6pm SportsCenter for ESPN back in December of 2016. I was just starting out as a researcher for the Stats and Information group, and she was showing me the ropes as a savvy veteran who was widely-respected and wholly-regarded as the best in the business. I remember that first day vividly — not because I spilled piping hot tea down the front of my new white sweater (something she and I still laugh about) — as I knew that I was in the presence of excellence, and I was being mentored by the best of the best. I came home from work that day in awe of Sarah as a strong, intelligent, and independent woman honing her professional craft, blessed that I had made a friend for life.
Sarah is my inspiration. She is my why.
Sarah is giving everything she has to fight ALS and spread awareness regarding the disease and finding a cure. She is pushing on with amazing courage, fortitude, spirit, and will.
Join me as I honor my friend Sarah and all those fighting ALS when I run with Team ALS ONE in the Falmouth Road Race on August 20th, 2023, by pledging $25 to $250. If you can or choose to donate, please include a song that brightens your day or that you like to run to.
Thank you, on behalf of Sarah and all those in search of a cure for ALS.
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page for the 51st running of the Falmouth Road Race! This prestigious event takes place in-person on August 20, 2023 along the coastline streets of beautiful Falmouth, MA! At-home runners will complete 7 miles in any way of their choosing during the week of August 12-19, 2023.
Your support means the world to me and to all of us and will help to advance critical research at MGH, UMass Medical School, and ALS TDI, while providing essential equipment such as lifts, ramps, wheelchairs and assistive technology devices to individuals currently living with ALS via our care team at Compassionate Care ALS - all incredible partners that make up ALS ONE.
Your donation is fully tax-deductible, as ALS ONE is a 501c3 non-profit organization (EIN #47-4984263).
To learn more about ALS ONE, visit their website at: https://alsone.org/
A big THANK YOU to all who have donated so far!
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Jul 19 | Jenni LaCroix | $55.35 |
Jul 19 | Uncle John, Aunt Tammy, Luke and Noah | $218.85 |
Jul 18 | Julie McKay | $28.10 |
Jul 18 | Sue and Ed Croft | $55.35 |
Jul 18 | Janine and Vincent Stella | $109.85 |
Jul 18 | U.B. | $55.35 |
Jul 17 | Nick Jaeger | $55.35 |
Jul 17 | Matt and Lindsay | $55.35 |
Jul 17 | Koch | $28.10 |
Jul 17 | Ryan and Casey O'Connor | $55.35 |