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Help Allison raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

About us

Hi Everyone! 

I am super excited to share that I will be running in the Falmouth Road Race for the KeepSmilin4Abbie Foundation again this August! 

The Keep Smilin4Abbie Foundation was created by Abbie’s family in honor of their beautiful daughter Abbie who passed away in 2013 from anaphylactic shock. KeepSmilin4Abbie raises money to promote research and awareness of anaphylaxis. Please check out their website to see more of the incredible things they are working on! 

I can't wait to run this race in honor of Abbie and to raise money for such an amazing cause! 

Please consider donating to the foundation and joining the fight to #stopanaphylaxis 

This cause holds a special place in my heart and I appreciate any and all support. Thank you all! #keepsmilin


Please consider a donation today to help raise money for The KeepSmilin4Abbie Foundation®. Our mission is to #stopanaphylaxis®. We fund research into early detection of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction to food, medicine, insect venom, or latex.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 15 Allison McNulty $28.10