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Help Elizabeth raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Why this is important to me!

Hi! My name is Lizzie Kirkman, and I am thrilled to be running in support of DetecTogether for the 2023 Falmouth Road Race. DetecTogether is an incredible organization that teaches individuals how to recognize the signs of cancer early, as well as how to be an active participant in their personal healthcare. With only four effective screening types currently available, but over 200 types of cancer, identifying symptoms yourself can be a crucial life-saving advantage. Studying public health at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has opened my eyes to the power of early prevention methods in combating disease, as well as the importance of a systematic change in our society to one that focuses on identifying potential cancer-causing factors in our environments, before they cause serious issues. DetecTogether is an important organization that works tirelessly to spread this message, and I am grateful to be able to support them. Thank you so much for your support, see you in August! 


The worst cancer diagnosis is a late one. That’s why I’m running for DetecTogether. They teach people how to detect cancer early, when it’s most treatable and survivable.

40% of us are going to get cancer. One of the most important factors to surviving is the stage of cancer when it is first diagnosed. Early detection makes all the difference.

DetecTogether teaches a simple, powerful strategy for detecting cancer early. They teach in schools, present to community groups, and to those at high risk, like firefighters, and empower people to get better healthcare overall. 

Their life-saving presentations and information are delivered at no cost, thanks to the kindness and generosity of donors.  

Would you consider supporting me? Together, we can make a difference in the fight against cancer. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 24 Leatherwood family $28.10
Jul 24 Jim & Nancy Coghlin Lizzie -- Thank you for being a terrific DetecTogether advocate! Have a great run. $109.85
Jul 23 Ava M You are going to kick butt!! Run fast, you got this!!! Love you <33 Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Anonymous You go Lizzie Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Meghan Estrada Undisclosed amount
Jul 17 Anonymous $22.65