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Help Beth raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

I'm running for Clean Water in the 2023 Falmouth Road Race!

This year, Katie and I will be running the Falmouth Road Race to raise money for the Buzzards Bay Coalition.

Buzzards Bay is my happy place- spending time there has brought me happiness in the best of times and helped me get through a few tough times as well.  Being with family and friends on the beach or in the waters of Buzzards Bay is a privilege that brings great joy to my family.

I have always wanted to run the Falmouth Road Race, but never felt quite ready for the 7.2-mile course  Well, in this 50th time around the sun,  I have decided there is no time like the present.  In truth, it was Katie (13 years) asking me why not run the race with her that is getting me to the starting line. 

Together, Katie and I will be raising money for the Buzzards Bay Coalition, which is a great nonprofit dedicated to the restoration, protection, and sustainable use and enjoyment of the Bay. If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation in support of my (or Katie's run). I'm happy to report that the Buzzards Bay Coalition has been ranked a 4-star charity for multiple years by Charity Navigator.  


Buzzards Bay is one of the most beautiful coastal waterways on the East Coast, but it's under constant threat from dangers like nitrogen pollution, oil spills, and disappearing forests and wetlands.

You can help save Buzzards Bay by donating to my upcoming run at the Falmouth Road Race with Team Buzzards Bay on Sunday, August 20th. I’ll be doing my part by joining others in running 7 miles as we raise funds for and awareness of the need to protect clean water in our community. 

Through this challenging event, I'm hoping to meet or exceed my fundraising goal to support the Buzzards Bay Coalition's important work across conservation, research, advocacy, and education. Any amount - big or small - truly makes a difference in helping to protect clean water for today, and for future generations.

Thank you for your support!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 05 Bill & Anne Flynn Go Tiger! You can do it again!! $109.85
Aug 02 Dave & Christy Kirk Go get ‘‘em Beth!!! We’re proud of you! Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Danielle Musto Go Katie!!! You’ll kill it $28.10
Jul 27 $50 Best wishes Beth and Katie! Great cause! Kim, Tony, Natalie LaTerza $55.35
Jul 24 Jane, Mike, Caitlin, Julia and Ruby Great job Aunt Beth and Katie! We are so excited for you. $100.00
Jul 23 Beth OConnor $109.85