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Help Matthew raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Thanks for landing at my fundraising page!  Closing the Gap Foundation is a great cause that is near to my heart.  This foundation was founded in 2016 by two of my oldest friends, Jake Reynolds and Matt Gavis, with the goal of supporting Cystic Fibrosis eradication efforts and elevating the quality of life for those living with CF.  Here is more information on the foundations beginnings- .  

Thank you for considering donating, any size donation helps!  Please let me know if anyone has any questions on the cause or would like to get further involved.  


Please consider donating to our fundraising campaign as we have 10 runners running on behalf of Closing the Gap Foundation in this year's Falmouth Road Race!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 18 Alexandra W. Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 Port CFO Solutions llc Good luck Matt! Undisclosed amount
Aug 15 Matt Mitchell Good luck Matty and to the rest of the group. $55.35
Aug 14 Maddie Gillespie Good luck muzzy cheeks $28.10
Aug 14 Kelly Woot woot! 🏃🏻 Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Pranav Shroff Good Luck Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Lauren & Sam Goren Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Tricia Hurley Go Matt go Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Sarah Palmer Undisclosed amount