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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Each year, the parents of approximately 15,700 kids will hear the words “your child has cancer”, no parent should have to hear those words, but unfortunately they do.  

Cops for Kids with Cancer’s mission is to raise money for families caught in the web of pediatric cancer.  In addition to the crushing emotional toll taken, there is a financial domino effect in having a child diagnosed with cancer.  The financial burden can come from necessary travel expenses, loss of income because of a reduction or termination of parental employment, copayments, and out-of-pocket treatment expenses.  This economic burden can have long-term effects on the financial security, quality of life, and future well-being of the entire family. 

Cops for Kids with Cancer is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) organization that raises money from hosting events such as road races, motorcycle runs, comedy nights, dining for a cause, golf tournaments, trivia nights, and most importantly support from our Corporate Sponsors.  We are also are lucky to be a charity team for The Boston Marathon and The Falmouth Road Race.  

Please donate and help families who have a child with cancer!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 08 Max McGuire $50.00
Jun 07 Hyp Let’s Go Bill! Undisclosed amount
Jun 07 JWD Good luck Bill. Undisclosed amount
Jun 07 Anonymous Uncle Billy $55.35
Jun 07 Jeff Gelinas Good luck Bill Undisclosed amount
Jun 06 Friends $77.15
Jun 06 Richie Go Steph! $109.85
May 31 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 19 Anonymous Good luck! $109.85
May 02 Anonymous $109.85