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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Make childcare affordable, help us make this happen by donating to the Falmouth Road Race 2023

Your Fundraising Efforts will help us fulfill our mission for every child:

Stars' mission is to provide comprehensive early education & youth development programs that enhance the optimal growth of children from economically and culturally diverse families, using a family support approach in collaboration with schools and other service providers.

Our 4 core goals form the foundation of our work.

1.Enable parents to work.  2. Help each child reach their full development potential. 3. Facilitate positive youth development.  4. Improve achievement for students at risk of academic failure.

Thank you for your support


We have a great 2023 Falmouth Road Race Team this year, won't you  help us reach our goal?  Stars would like to thank you for helping us make childcare affordable for every family and child on the South Shore.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 19 Nora hackett Don't forget the mayo Jersey $109.85
Aug 19 Allison Congrats Paddy! $109.85
Aug 18 Anonymous Go Paddy!!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Brian Scavuzzo Good Luck! $55.35
Aug 18 Christopher Eustance $137.10
Aug 18 Lori Miller Good luck!! $109.85
Aug 17 Paddy Hackett Hi! I was supposed to run with you guys but unfortunately can’t due to COVID 😫 here’s a little to say good luck. Go team STARS! $25.00
Aug 17 Paddy Hackett Hi! I was supposed to run with you guys but unfortunately can’t due to COVID 😫 here’s a little to say good luck. Go team STARS! $25.00
Aug 17 Paddy Hackett Hi! I was supposed to run with you guys but unfortunately can’t due to COVID 😫 here’s a little to say good luck. Go team STARS! $28.10
Aug 17 Paddy Hackett Hi! I was supposed to run with you guys but unfortunately can’t due to COVID 😫 here’s a little to say good luck. Go team STARS! $28.10