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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


We are #RunningForMentoring with the Mass Mentoring Partnership!  

Please join us on our journey to make a difference in the lives of young people across the Commonwealth through our fundraising efforts! 

Mass Mentoring Partnership (MMP), is committed to ensuring that all young people in Massachusetts have the mentoring relationships they need to develop into thriving, engaged adults, resulting in vibrant communities. 

In MMP’s unique role as an intermediary organization, we provide the critical link between national evidence-based research and local programs that promote the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships. As a force multiplier, MMP invests in the support young people need by providing the tools adults require in order to truly show up for youth in a caring and consistent way by bringing research to practice and theory to action. 

Team MMP

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 21 Baylor You got this! $22.65
Apr 21 Allison Undisclosed amount
Apr 21 Allleex ur bff RUN MARKUS RUN $25.00
Apr 21 Katie Lecher Let's go Marcus!!!! $17.20
Apr 21 Ted Sisk Run fast! $55.35
Apr 21 Mom & Dad! We are SO proud of you Sweetheart! We love you! Undisclosed amount
Apr 21 Jenn Go Mark-E Go! Sad I wont be joining, but I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines!! $109.85
Apr 21 kyley runnnnn markie runnnnn $22.65
Apr 21 Alana Madore Let's go Markus!!! $50.00
Apr 20 Jillian Miele Undisclosed amount