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Cassie + Friends: A Society for Children Affected by Juvenile Arthritis & other rheumatic diseases

Raise money for Cassie + Friends: A Society for Children Affected by Juvenile Arthritis & other rheumatic diseases

Celebrating 16 Years of Team Cassie + Friends!

We are so excited to back raising awareness of juvenile arthritis and fundraising for urgently needed research and family support programs again in 2023. Since lacing up for the starting line in 2007, we've come along way, expanding our programs across Canada, advocating for safer and more effective treatments for families, funding pediatric rheumatology research, and building strong friendships with youth, families and healthcare professionals. We couldn't have done any of this with out our teammates of runners + donors over the last 16 years. Thank you for helping us make a significant difference in juvenile arthritis community in Canada. From one dad running in 2007, to over 250 runners last year, we can't wait to see what Team Cassie + Friends can accomplish in 2023!


Lace up with us in-person or virtually this June in the Half Marathon, 5K or Kids Run! 

In-Person event date: Sunday, June 25th, 2023
Virtual run/walk (remote): June 1- June 30th, 2023
Fundraising begins: Now!

Together we're running towards a pain-free future for kids living with juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Please show your support by making a donation to our fundraising team or by letting others know that kids get arthritis too! 

In 2023, we're determined to make our BIGGEST IMPACT yet. We hope you'll run with us to:

  • Bring even more awareness of juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic conditions into the public eye. No child should suffer years before their diagnosis and no youth should have to live alone and isolated with their condition.
  • Set-up much needed support funds/equipment cupboards in clinics across Canada. The burden on families is greater than ever before - and we want to be there for those who need us most.
  • Keep making sure JA research is a PRIORITY! We never lose sight of our goals to find safer and more effective treatments for kids and one day - a cure!

Questions? Email


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 19 Anonymous $50.00
Jun 19 Anonymous $50.00
Jun 19 Patrick Ramsden $107.72
Jun 18 Steven Watch out for those tough hills from the running man😎 $27.60
Jun 18 David & Pennie Run Forest! $107.72
Jun 18 Brian Taylor Run my friend $107.72
Jun 18 Ian $54.31
Jun 17 M & L Thompson $50.00