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Elektra Women's Choir

Raise money for Elektra Women's Choir

Our Mission:

To inspire and lead in the choral art form through excellence in performance and through the creation, exploration, and celebration of women’s repertoire.



Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 21 Inez Young $50.00
May 19 Esther $54.31
May 18 Elson & Judy So Stephanie, We are all very proud of you. Uncle Elson & auntie Judy $107.72
May 17 Anonymous $54.31
May 16 Cori Z. Way to go Nancy Squair! $54.31
May 16 Alfredo and Dory $50.00
May 16 Darlene Backlund I'm so proud of you, niece, Nancy Johnson, for all the running and walking you are doing. You have a beautiful voice-an asset to the choir. $50.00
May 16 Anonymous $54.31
May 15 Jeremy T H Yeo $108.00
May 15 Lucy Ching $107.72