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Help Stephanie raise money

For participating in 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

Hi friends, It's just a few short weeks until the Vancouver Half Marathon. I have signed up once again in support of my choir, Elektra Women's Choir. I will be doing the 5k while on tour with the choir in the UK! We’re planning on doing the run in Cambridge, while we have some down time between concerts! Would you consider supporting me, and supporting the choir as I race to the finish line? Any amount, big or small is appreciated! And, of course, your moral support is the most important. Thank you all for supporting me in all the big and small ways you do! Love, Steph

Donate to help Stephanie raise money for 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 15 Kristi and Michael Run Steph Run! $54.31
May 15 Peter & Joshua Hall $100.00