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Help Jason raise money

For participating in 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

I suffered a spinal cord injury 4.5 years ago. Spinal Cord Injury BC was there to help us navigate this new life. We’ve met some amazing people through this community. I’ve always enjoyed adventure and staying active. SCI BC has shown me new activities, and ways to adapt my previous passions.

During his event I will walk a total of 5 km over 5 days (using my walker), to raise funds for the great activities and programs provided by SCI BC


I'm helping people with spinal cord injury adjust, adapt, and thrive by fundraising for Spinal Cord Injury BC. Can you help us reach our team goal of raising $80,000?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 01 Anonymous $100.00
May 30 Anonymous $267.96