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Help Karin raise money

For participating in 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon

My Story…

When I told Adin, my trusty companion, that I was going to 'run' the half marathon again, he wasn't too sure of my idea! I am hoping you will join me on this adventure to raise funds for Spinal Cord Injury BC.  I humbly request you help sponsor me, if you can, by donating to SCI-BC to continue the important work they do to create opportunities for health, wellness and support for persons with spinal cord injuries, related medical disease and impairment.  Providing Peer support enables individuals to reclaim their lives and inspires self-efficacy.  Your support makes all this happen. For that I am personally very grateful. I know that it is difficult for many to contribute financially, I truly get that! There are many ways to support my adventure and I appreciate them all!

First 9.98 Km completed! -1:21:36 12 Km to go!  :)

Second 10.18 Km completed! - 1:31:30  0.840 Km to go!

0.93 Km completed - 0:04:17      21.09 Km completed in 2:57:23


I'm helping people with spinal cord injury adjust, adapt, and thrive by fundraising for Spinal Cord Injury BC. Can you help us reach our team goal of raising $80,000?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 28 Linda L You are a real inspiration Karin $267.96
Apr 28 Dr. Jonathan Kerr Keep up the great work Karin! $107.72
Apr 28 Eva Karin, I hope you enjoy the day. Cheering you on from afar. $54.31
Apr 28 Menahem Kahana $107.72
Apr 27 Rachel Blaney $107.72
Apr 27 Anonymous Keep doing what you're doing! :) Hugs $267.96
Apr 27 Jamie Bowman You are such an inspiring person, KK! $54.31
Apr 27 jodi cohen you rock. go girl. $36.00
Apr 27 Jason G Brent $54.31
Apr 26 Anonymous Half Marathon - again?!?! Well, go for it! $107.72