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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon

Our story…

Diagnosed at 21 months old Jason has not known life without JIA but we continue to hope for a better options for treatments and a cure and believe we that this is possible. 

Jason is so happy to be doing the Vancouver Run this year (as mom will be away during the Calgary one). He will be running with his friends Micah and Marcus this year. 

This year has been an exciting and challenging one. We feel we are on the path to new and better treatments and and exciting time in research. That would not be possible without the support of organizations like Cassie and Friends pushing for a cure. 

We were excited to be part of the genetics webinar this year and continue to work with Care for Rare. I hope that in the future this will be an option for all children with Juvenile Rheumatological conditions so that we may see more target therapy and limit the ups and downs of living with autoimmune conditions. 

We are so appreciative of the love and support Jason (and I) have had over the last 8 years and welcome the continued support as we navigate and process all the new information we have received in the last few months. 

Please consider donating to Cassie and Friends and to Jason's run. We are seeing the impact of the donations you have made and Jason wouldn't be where he is today if it were not for Cassie and Friends continued advocacy for our kids. 


Together we're running towards a pain-free future for kids living with juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Please show your support by making a donation to our fundraising team or by letting others know that kids get arthritis too! 

In 2023, we're determined to make our BIGGEST IMPACT yet. We hope you'll run with us to:

  • Bring even more awareness of juvenile arthritis and other rheumatic conditions into the public eye. No child should suffer years before their diagnosis and no youth should have to live alone and isolated with their condition.
  • Set-up much needed support funds/equipment cupboards in clinics across Canada. The burden on families is greater than ever before - and we want to be there for those who need us most.
  • Keep making sure JA research is a PRIORITY! We never lose sight of our goals to find safer and more effective treatments for kids and one day - a cure! 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 20 Pat & Carl Schu Go Jason!!!! $107.72
May 20 The Dunlops Have a great time, Jason! 💪🏼 $54.31
May 16 Shannon & Matt 💚 Every step, every post, every new goal: you are inspirations to us. Never give up. We are proud of you 💚 $54.31
May 08 Adrienne & Family❤️ $54.31
Mar 18 Dana Micah and Marcus! $107.72