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Help Erin raise money

For participating in Purple Paddy's 5k/Walk

My Story…

I have decided to participate in this years Purple Paddy Virtual 5k due to being completely inspired by my friend Keelin. Keelin is so passionate about Project Purple it is hard not to be inspired. She is running the New York Marathon for Project Purple this same weekend and I felt moved to move along with her and help this amazing charity and support the people who fight this battle. As a cancer survivor myself I know the power in positivity and knowing that people are cheering you on! So I will run/walk my way through this 5k in honor of all those fighting the fight! 

Donate to help Erin raise money for Purple Paddy's 5k/Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 05 Chris Barish $77.88
Mar 05 Melissa $39.39
Mar 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount