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For participating in Purple Paddy's 5k/Walk

Our story…

Welcome to Les Sargent's Purple Team page!

63cd7879287b6.jpgIn honor of my dad, I am team captain for Les Sargent's Purple Team for Project Purple's virtual Purple Paddy's 5K scheduled for March 18-19. My dad was funny, kind, soft spoken, an avid golfer and best dad to us, so it was a devastating shock to our family when he told us he had cancer in the pancreas on Feb. 16. Sixty-two days later, without a cure, he passed away from pancreatic cancer April 19, 2017.

Wear purple during March 18-19 as you lace up and make 3.1 miles matter for pancreatic cancer. You can participate in this event anytime, anywhere as you walk, run, crawl, break up the miles or do all at once at your pace! Do the miles with a friend or alone. Are you doing this in honor or memory of someone you love? If you are unable to walk/run 3.1 miles then do what you can.  If you would just rather donate then that's fine, too. This event is about raising awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer, and no matter what, Project Purple and I appreciate your miles and support in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

I hope you will join and support my team as we make our miles matter for pancreatic cancer. Registration is $35. Everyone that registers will receive a Purple Paddy's t-shirt (no shirt is an option, too) along with a virtual bib. When you enter your results you will receive a finisher certificate and virtual medal. Your registration and/or donation helps Project Purple fund research in the steps to finding an early detection test and a cure. Funding also supports Project Purple's patient aid program and care packages to patients battling this disease.

If you register before Feb. 21 you have the option of receiving a cool t-shirt (click on main event's page below to see the design) before the virtual event Mar. 18-19. This is also Project Purple's first of a 4-part virtual series for 2023. Participate in all 4 virtual events and receive an exclusive medal.

Link to Project Purple's Purple Paddy's 5k event:

Thank you for your miles and support! Please reach out if you have questions or need help.

Team captain,


Help us raise money for Project Purple

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 19 Pam Sargent-Morris $749.29
Mar 19 Mary Sabine $27.64
Mar 19 Gary and Debbie Vaughn $54.36
Mar 19 Diane and Ed Hall Undisclosed amount
Mar 14 Rick & Susan Lahndorff From Susan & Rick Lahndorff $54.36
Feb 10 Cait Navarro $6.25
Feb 04 Anonymous $54.36
Jan 30 Becky Brown $27.64
Jan 29 Joe Stannard Let’s beat this beast! Undisclosed amount