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Help Janine raise money

For participating in #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run

My Story…

I will be participating in the #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run on May 21st in support of my friend, Tara. Two years ago, Tara was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer (MBC or stage 4). Tara took on this battle with courage, poise, determination, and has proven she is a true warrior.

There is no cure for MBC and Tara has made it her mission to raise money to find one. She taught me that very few donation dollars to breast cancer charities go to funding research for stage 4 breast cancer. Then she came across Metavivor, which donates 100% of dollars to stage 4 breast cancer research. 

She organized and held the first ever color run for MBC in 2022 and now other cities are holding them based on her model. Tara's efforts have helped to raise over $100,000 for this cause and she is the New Jersey state captain for #LightUpMBC!

She has not let her diagnosis slow her down. She is a wife, mom, daughter, aunt, and amazing friend. I'm hoping you'll consider donating to my page and helping to support this great cause.

Donate to help Janine raise money for #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 17 Meaghan FitzGerald Undisclosed amount
Apr 14 Lisa H $106.35
Apr 14 Olivia/Juliette/Charlie $106.35
Apr 14 Janine Harm $21.95
Apr 14 Anonymous Sending so much love to you and your beautiful friend, Tara! $27.23
Apr 14 Cassidy Wilson $53.60
Apr 14 Jess Ramalho $53.60
Apr 14 Dan Reines Janine, this one hits close to home for me as I think you may know. Good on you - thanks for giving me the chance to help! $106.35
Apr 14 Matthew Barry $106.35
Apr 14 Anonymous $106.35