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Help us raise money

For participating in #LightUpMBC Color Fun Run

Our story…

My Mom, Tracy was diagnosed DeNovo in February 2020. Upon diagnosis her cancer had already metastasized to multiple locations in her bones, spine, liver... it was wide spread but we were confident she would beat the odds. She's positive, strong willed and extremely tough. I never doubted her will to fight.

After her initial rounds of Radiation and Chemo she had felt great with a few small bumps in the road but was able to continue on as she did pre-cancer.

Fast forward to April 2022 she had a seizure and was rushed to the ER where we learned that the cancer had unfortunately made it to her brain. Within a few hours she was in surgery to remove the largest lesion. They also saw many other smaller lesions, "too many to count".

As a family we made the decision that full brain radiation would be the best route of treatment to be sure that we did not miss any cancer. After 10 full rounds she was tired but back on her feet and enjoying life again.

November 2022 after a scheduled operation to have her gallbladder removed they had discovered what looked like lesions inside. They quickly closed her up and had a PET scan done. The cancer was back and it had spread quickly... new locations included lymph nodes, lungs, more locations in the bones, tissue, glands, gallblader, liver... it was everywhere! More Chemo and quickly back on her feet

December 2022 we were faced with more seizures and an extended stay in the hospital and rehab, still a smile on her face.

April 2023 more seizures... but also a completely clear MRI, clear CAT scan and a clear PET scan! She is currently not fighting the cancer but we are monitoring and tweaking her seizure meds.

After a tough and tiring year we are seeing that light at the end of the tunnel again. She lives for her two Grandchildren, for the sunshine, for traveling to the beaches in Florida. She misses being able to drive the most but she has pushed through 3 years of MBC, a full year of brain Metasis, chemo, full brain radiation, brain surgery, seizures, many falls, inpatient and outpatient rehab... the list goes on but she has come out the other side clear. And with more positivity and perseverance we hope to get her back on a beach within a few months with her Husband, Daughter, Son-in-law and of course her Grandchildren!
Please sign up or donate if you can because as treatments fail it is so important we have more treatments options to continue to allow us to keep fighting.
#PleaseShare #LightUpMBC #signupnow



Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is stage 4 breast cancer, for which there is no cure. Globally, more than 685,000 people die each year from MBC, with more than 43,000 dying each year in the U.S. alone (115 per day). Metastatic breast cancer spreads mostly to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain, causing MBC patients to be in treatment for the rest of their lives—with only 22 percent of MBC patients in the U.S. living longer than five years. Approximately 30 percent of early-stage breast cancers recur as stage 4 MBC. While 98 percent of all breast-cancer-related deaths are from MBC, less than 5 percent of overall breast-cancer funding is currently allocated to researching metastatic breast cancer.

METAvivor is the only organization that puts 100 percent of donations toward finding a cure. This is absolutely amazing, and this year METAVivor, through donations and fundraising events such as this, has been able to award over $5.7 million in research grants. We are extremely passionate about raising money for this cause and truly thank you for helping save lives by participating in or fundraising for this event. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 Kathy Appleby $53.60
May 17 Natashia Kadimik $27.23
May 17 Mary Beth White $264.60
May 17 Christine McCaffrey $27.23
May 15 Mary-Kathryn Trentalange $27.23
May 04 Grandma $27.23
May 04 Grandma $27.23
May 04 Arlene $27.23
May 04 Arlene $27.23
May 02 Elizabeth Reid $27.23