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Oak Elementary School

Raise money for Oak Elementary School

Mission Statement and Beliefs

In order to develop well-rounded students who reach their full potential, the Oak family will engage in meaningful, rigorous learning experiences in a safe and nurturing environment which promotes an atmosphere of respect, responsibility and being ready to learn.


The mission of Oak Elementary School's faculty, staff, and stakeholders is to provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment in which students will be afforded challenging opportunities to meet their full academic, physical, social, moral, and artistic potential. Our students will meet or exceed all NCLB benchmarks, apply problem solving strategies to difficult situations, and develop necessary social skills to enable them to contribute to our diverse and highly technical society. 

Oak Elementary's Vision Statement  

Oak Elementary faculty, staff, and stakeholders are committed to the shared vision that all students will take personal and social responsibility for their actions to help them reach their potential academically, physically, socially, morally, and artistically.   


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 07 Steffany Black $27.48