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The Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital

Raise money for The Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital

Take Comfort

Imagine not having to leave your community for access to the latest cancer treatment protocols, clinical trials, or even Smilow Cancer Hospital physicians. Take comfort in the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital. Our highly-trained Griffin Hospital surgeons and staff, along with medical and radiation oncologists from Smilow Cancer Hospital, combine to form a care team that offers comprehensive cancer care at a whole new level. It’s a different kind of cancer care - one that unites science and sensitivity - all in a compassionate, beautiful healing environment that's more comforting, and closer to home than ever before.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 17 Neil Martin Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 Neil Martin Undisclosed amount
Aug 17 ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 Luca Ventimiglia For my Gramma with love. $54.36
Aug 16 Daniel R Forchielli $11.60
Aug 16 Ange Chmura Ernst In Memory of Amanda’s dad,my brother,Scott Chmura..who’s supporting us as usual,but from above w/our Mom,Louise💜🙏💜 $27.64
Aug 16 Andrea Chmura-Ernst In loving Memory of our Mother,Louise Chmura whom was a patient of this wonderful facility & family.💜God bless you all!Many Thanks!XOXO $107.82
Aug 16 A. Montaruli $54.36
Aug 16 Doug Finefrock Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 Glenn Celentano Scoop’s Troop…ASSEMBLE! $214.73