My Story…
Hi Family and Friends,
Our WVSU Charlotte Alumni Chapter is partnering with Atlanta Alumni Chapter’s 2023 annual fundraising event. This is the 16th Annual Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance 5K Run/Walk. We are looking forward to the possibilities of helping deserving students and their families pay for a college education. The 5K has returned to Piedmont Park on June 24, 2023. A virtual option will also be available.
The students need this support to help them fulfill their goals and dreams. All costs are rising, and we want them to have the care and support to continue. So, I'm asking you to dig down and give what you can. We have all needed help from people we knew and those we didn't. Whatever you feel comfortable as support is appreciated.
Your support in helping the Charlotte Chapter reach its fundraising goals is greatly appreciated. The need is still there. The parents/students rely on this partnership with you to ensure we can meet the financial needs of those minds attending our beloved State. Our $20,000 goal for 2023 is an aggressive one, but together, we can make it happen.
Follow the link below and please contribute. There’s 50 HBCU chapters participating in this event, and WVSU has been the #1 fundraising HBCU chapter in Atlanta for 8 years running. That’s what I said, 8 years. This is what WVSU pride means.
Thanks, in advance.
Follow the link and please contribute.">
WVSU Pride
Thanks in advance.
Donate to help Sherrie raise money for 16th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5K Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Jun 14 | Rena Cosby | $52.93 |
Jun 13 | Dassa Giles | $52.93 |
Jun 04 | Anonymous | $157.93 |
May 11 | Drema Smith | Undisclosed amount |
May 10 | $50.00 | $52.93 |
May 03 | Wanda E Gregory | $105.43 |