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Help Natalie raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine Philadelphia - 2023

My Story…

Hey! I'm Natalie. This will be my 2nd Miles for Migraine Walk/Fundraiser & I could not be more excited. Last year, my teammate Doug & I plus the help of a few others raised over $17,000. This year, we are determined to beat that.

Why is this so important to me? Goodness. Loaded question. The list is endless but honestly, I just want people to have a better understanding of what migraines are & how they affect people. I want people to understand that some of us that suffer can't work or even go outside. These are not just bad headaches. 

I personally suffer from intractable chronic migraine. That means if I'm breathing, I'm also probably suffering from a migraine. It started as a teen & has only gotten worse with age. I used to suffer from around 5-10 a month but when I hit age 25ish they became even more frequent & THEN, the big whammy, was getting pregnant. That is when they became daily. 

I have tried countless medications, inpatient hospital stays with Lidocaine, DHE & Ketamine, physical therapy, diet changes, YOU NAME IT. I have tried it. Some things help, most don't. I have multiple rescue medications that allow me to live as much as I possibly can but I grieve the person I used to be often. 

I am here to spread awareness & raise money for research that will hopefully help MILLIONS of people that suffer from migraine. Help me make a difference? 

Thank you so so much,



Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 13 Doug Kane 💜 $54.10
Mar 13 Natalie & Joe Bowers $107.35
Feb 23 Natalie Bowers $106.00