Race Details
Date: November 4, 2023
Location: Fowling Warehouse 1125 E Brookside Pkwy, Indianapolis IN
- 5K
Start Time:
- 7:30 a.m. - Packet pick-up and walk-up registration begins
- 8:30 a.m. - 5k
Registration Fees: 100% of fee goes to free, employ, and empower women
- September 1st - September 24th - $30
- September 25th - October 29th - $35
- October 30th - - $40
***Register by October 9th to guarantee t-shirt and size.
Packet Pickup: There are three opportunities to pick up your race packet.
- Advance: 11/2 from 5-7 p.m. at Refinery46 (2201 E. 46th St, Indianapolis, IN 46205)
- Advance: 11/3 from 3-5 pm at Illumine Coffee (8517 Westfield Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46240)
- At the race: Saturday at the race beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Parking: Park in lot across from Fowling Warehouse
Awards: The Aruna Journey Bag, hand-made by Aruna Artisans, will be awarded to the top female finisher, top male finisher, and top fundraiser in addition to a $50 Aruna Shop gift card. Top finisher awards will to be given at the finish line.
Are walkers welcome?
Of course! Whether walking or running, we are all out there for the same goal -- to raise funds to help bring freedom to the sexually enslaved.
Are dogs welcome?
As much as we love our furry, four-legged friends, they are not allowed to participate in the race. However, they are welcome to cheer on the sidelines along the course.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
Nope! As long you can cover the distance, we welcome all ages to participate. Parents are welcome to push kids in strollers. A child being pushed in a stroller does not need to be registered for the race. If a child is running or walking, an adult should be waiting for them at the finish line.