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Help us raise money

For participating in Ancaster Mill Race 40th Anniversary

Our story…

Join the ACS team and friends as we run/walk to bring awareness to the programs and services offered by Ancaster Community Services that support the diverse community of Ancaster.

Ancaster Community Services (ACS) is proud to be a non-profit, volunteer supported, registered charity that has been supporting the residents of Ancaster since 1969. The agency offers programs and services for seniors, youth, and individuals in our community who need some extra support. Our programs include Emergency Food Assistance (Food Bank), Holiday Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Frozen Meals, Assisted Volunteer Driving, and Shopping 4 Seniors. We also offer programs for youth including The Youth Engagement Program (The Net) and a Babysitting Course.  ACS was accredited by Imagine Canada in 2022 for excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance. ACS depends on the support of our community to continue to make a difference in the lives of our neighbours. 

Help us raise money for Ancaster Community Services

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 22 Nancy Hurst Thank you to the ACS for the amazing work you do! $27.80
Mar 22 Anonymous $27.80