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Nación Verde

Raise money for Nación Verde

Nación Verde

The Monarch Ultra is proud to announce that we are collecting donations for Nación Verde, a non-profit environmental organization in Mexico that works in several areas towards conservation, regeneration, and protection of our environment. They are playing a vital role in protecting habitat for monarch butterflies and other forest dwellers at Reserva de la Biosfera de la Mariposa Monarca (the Monarch Sanctuary in Cerro Pelón).

Why Nación Verde?

Tree planting

This year, Nación Verde is planning to plant 100,000 oyamel trees along 100 hectares. The oyamel forests house the appropriate conditions that allow the annual hibernation of the monarch butterfly, giving them protection against strong winds, rain and even snowfall and hailstorms. They also serve as water collectors, and provide dew retention, which allows the monarch butterfly to hydrate without the need to waste energy flying in search of water.

Overall, planting trees is beneficial for the environment because it helps to fight climate change, minimize soil erosion, promote healthy forest and biodiversity, and helps reduce carbon dioxide.


When carrying out reforestation, local residents are hired. This helps to fight poverty and guarantee that the family remains together, so that the parents do not have to migrate to other cities in search of employment.

One of the main problems that affect Cerro Pelón is the lack of employment for the people who live nearby, which leads to clandestine logging, causing deforestation and habitat loss not only for the monarch butterfly, but also for the forest inhabited by other species such as squirrels, rabbits, opossums, coyotes and many different birds.

Without these forests, monarchs would not have a place to spend winters. This could be the final blow for the survival of this species.

How much money is needed to cover the expenses?

Reforestation is not only planting trees, it’s a series of activities required to properly plant oyamels and guarantee their success, such as the preparation and cleaning of the land, transportation of the plants, and the personnel to carry out the plantation. All these activities requires $2,500,000.00 Mexican pesos to meet the objective. That’s the equivalent of US$137,000.

With your support, we can help Nación Verde achieve its goal and both monarchs and local communities will experience tremendous benefit from this project.

Please note: charitable donation receipts are not available.


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 14 Ja Ja $108.31
Oct 14 Allan Smith-Reeve Fly on Scott! $27.80
Oct 14 Ryan and Christine $43.90
Oct 13 Ben Wolfe $6.33
Oct 13 Ian Attridge $20.00
Oct 13 James W Run like the wind! $20.00
Oct 13 Linda & Alan Slavin Thanks for doing this, Scott. Have a great race! $54.63
Oct 13 Kim & Karl Go, Scott! $108.31
Oct 13 Glenda Young $54.63
Oct 13 Janet Stewart Have a great run Scott! $54.63