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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 Jodi's Race for Awareness

Our story…

Dear friends and family, I am convinced that I wouldn't be here if it were not for the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance!  I learned so much by accessing COCA's support programs throughout my own 7-year ovarian cancer journey.  COCA is like a warm blanket of love after diagnosis, by delivering support groups, mentoring, education, and by providing free counseling and financial services to those in need!  Please join me in helping other women through this very difficult and lethal disease!  

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 14 Anonymous $54.10
May 11 Mary Phillips Dear Sue - COCA has been good for you, but YOU’ve been very good for COCA! - Mary P $107.35
May 11 Andrea and Carl Bumpurs It is an honor to support Sue Hester! $54.10
May 10 Christina Robison $54.10
May 10 Christina Robison $54.10
May 09 George Ertle $200.00
May 09 Tom Heese Let's Go. Let's Show. Let's Rodeo. Go Team Sue $533.35
May 08 Michele & Greg Yonker $107.35
May 07 Stormie Stranges $11.50
May 05 Joe and Beth Parrino Undisclosed amount